
Welcome to The Ancient Paper, a blog dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of Indian mythology and culture. I am Deepansh Palawat, the creator of this blog and a passionate storyteller based in India.

For me, stories are more than just entertainment; they have the power to inspire action, provoke empathy, and take readers on incredible journeys. I believe that stories are one of the most effective ways to communicate important messages and to connect with people from all walks of life.

With The Ancient Paper, I aim to share some of the most astonishing and captivating stories from Indian history and mythology, from classical tales to modern hypotheses. I want to help readers discover the rich cultural heritage of India and gain a deeper understanding of its traditions and customs.

Whether you’re a mythology enthusiast or simply looking for engaging and thought-provoking content, The Ancient Paper has something for everyone. So join me on this journey and subscribe to my newsletter to get fresh stories delivered straight to your mailbox.

Remember, as the saying goes, “Yatha Drishti, Tatha Srishti” – how you see the world, the world will appear to you in the same way. Let’s explore the world of Indian mythology together and see what wonders await us.

About Me

Namaste and welcome to my world of storytelling! I am Deepansh Palawat, a reader, writer, traveler, and training manager by profession. For me, the world is an endless source of stories, each one carrying a unique learning opportunity. And that’s why I strongly believe in the power of stories to fire up our imagination, heal our minds, and nourish our hearts.

As a storyteller, I live in a world of dreams where everything has a story to tell. Whether it’s a bird, a plant, people on the streets, or even flying butterflies, everything around me interests me, and I see a story waiting to be told. I take immense pleasure in weaving stories that can touch someone’s heart and make them feel a part of the story. The sense of fulfillment that comes with connecting with my audience through stories is beyond words.

My journey as a storyteller started as a hobby that I enjoyed immensely. Sharing stories with people was something that brought me immense joy and satisfaction. Whether it was on trains, buses, in gardens, or even at my workplace, the interaction with people while sharing stories was priceless.

As a training manager, I help people grow and develop their skills. And I have come to realize that storytelling is a powerful tool that can make the learning process engaging and fun. That’s why I am more passionate than ever to share my love for stories and help people grow through them.

So, join me on this journey of storytelling, and let’s explore the endless possibilities of the world of stories together!